With Solid Industry Mandate, Softwood Lumber Board Launches Aggressive Five-Year Plan

Posted By: Sydni Dobson (deleted) SLMA News,

Washington, DC - With a super-majority mandate from 94% of industry production representing 78% of companies voting in the referendum, the Softwood Lumber Board of Directors met on May 31st to launch an initiative to establish softwood lumber as the preferred choice for the built environment by 2024.  "We will move from re-think wood when we started, to think wood today, to of course wood in 5 years", said SLB Chairman Marc Brinkmeyer.  To achieve this ambitious goal, the SLB will review and refine its strategy, tactics and funded initiatives to ensure all are optimized and aligned given the changing dynamics in the market.  The conditions in 2018 are very different and more advantageous for lumber than they were when the SLB was established in 2011, as such the approach to delivering on its objectives will also need to evolve.

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